Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Revert Kali Linux login to classic BackTrack command line login

Read full details here:
Revert Kali Linux login to classic BackTrack command line login

If you were too used to BackTrack Linux and want to revert your Kali Linux Login to classic BackTack command line login, then you’re not alone. The whole idea of command line login was to get a fast and quick access to a system where you can perform some task as quickly as possible and waste time and resources on Window or Desktop Manager. If you’re using an old laptop or an old Desktop that doesn’t have a powerful graphics card, running Kali Linux with GNOME (gdm3) Desktop is wasting valuable CPU and Memory and making your already dying hardware slower. You type in something, and get an output few seconds later. You hate it, I’d hate it too. Nothing to worry… in this guide I will demonstrate 2 different ways of reverting your Kali Linux Login to classic BackTack command line login. The first one is possibly the safest if you’re not too sure what you’re expecting, the second way if slightly more advanced (well, not much but you need some Linux command understanding to run Kali Linux anyway).

In both method, I’ve shown how to disable gdm3 which is default in Kali Linux GNOME Desktop. If you’re using KDE, I am assuming you don’t want it disabled cause you’re enjoying your shiny Desktop too much.. But in case you want to disable KDM at startup, use the first method (aka Quickest Method) to achieve that. It’s just more safer and quicker in every sense.

Once you’ve done making the changes, your Kali Linux login will be similar to the screenshot below (el classico BackTrack command line login)

Read the rest of it here: Revert Kali Linux login to classic BackTrack command line login

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