Thursday, July 31, 2014

Install fonts on Linux - Debian, Ubuntu, Kali, Mint - Microsoft TrueType core and many more

Read full details here: Install fonts on Linux - Debian, Ubuntu, Kali, Mint - Microsoft TrueType core and many more

Installing fonts is important for those who are multilingual or want to spice up their screen. Many websites uses different fonts and without having to install fonts on Linux, you wont see those, you will see a flat boring default font. I will also show how to reconfigure your fontconfig so that it looks better on your CRT or LCD screen.
This posts shows how you can install fonts and configure them on the following Linux Operating systems:
  1. Debian Linux
  2. Ubuntu Linux
  3. Linux Mint
  4. Kali Linux
  5. Any Debian or Ubuntu Variant such as Elementary OS

The basic – Microsoft TrueType core Fonts

This package allows for easy installation of the Microsoft True Type Core Fonts for the Web including:
  Andale Mono
  Arial Black
  Arial (Bold, Italic, Bold Italic)
  Comic Sans MS (Bold)
  Courier New (Bold, Italic, Bold Italic)
  Georgia (Bold, Italic, Bold Italic)
  Times New Roman (Bold, Italic, Bold Italic)
  Trebuchet (Bold, Italic, Bold Italic)
  Verdana (Bold, Italic, Bold Italic)
You will need an Internet connection to download these fonts if you don’t already have them.

NOTE: the package ttf-liberation contains free variants of the Times, Arial and Courier fonts. It’s better to use those instead unless you specifically need one of the other fonts from this package.

Install instructions:

First of all let’s check if we even have those fonts in our repositories. I use Kali Linux which is a variant of Debian Linux. If you’re using Kali, you need to add the default official repositories.
Let’s do an apt-cache search:
root@kali:~# apt-cache search ttf-mscorefonts-installer 
ttf-mscorefonts-installer - Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts
Read the rest of it here: Install fonts on Linux - Debian, Ubuntu, Kali, Mint - Microsoft TrueType core and many more

Monday, July 28, 2014

Conky Manager on Debian and Kali Linux

Read full details here: Conky Manager on Debian and Kali Linux

Conky Manager is a graphical front-end for managing Conky config files. It provides options to start/stop, browse and edit Conky themes installed on the system. Packages are currently available in Launchpad for Ubuntu and derivatives (Linux Mint, etc).

Release info

Latest Version: 2.0 (2014-06-17)
Platform: Linux (Debian/Ubuntu)
Language: Vala & GTK3


  • Start/Stop, Browse and Edit Conky themes
  • Run Conky on system startup
  • Options to change location, transparency and size of Conky widget window
  • Options to change time and network interface


Well of course you must install Conky first. Easy to do:
root@kali:~# apt-get install conky-all

Read the rest of it here: Conky Manager on Debian and Kali Linux